Officenter, your business centre with an all-in service!
1. Purpose
The user agrees to use the premises only as office space and is not allowed to change this
purpose. If the user uses the offices mentioned in Article II
for other activities than those mentioned in Article
I, without the permission of Officenter, this constitutes a serious breach which entitles Officenter to demand the termination of this
agreement before the competent court, more damages.
The premises may not be used as a residence or for the performance of activities
to which the law on commercial rent applies.
The user may only use the made available, ready-to-use room
for exercising the own business activity mentioned in article I of the
Any changes or extension of the aforementioned business purpose must be submitted for approval to Officenter in advance and accepted in writing at
2. Use of the space
The user shall keep the space made available and the communal areas
in good condition and use it with due diligence. He/she shall not carry out any noisy
activities there, nor shall he/she engage in any activities that are of a nature to disturb the other users in the
building or to damage the reputation of the building in any way.
The user may not make any changes to the rooms without
prior written permission from Officenter.
The user may only advertise in and around the building in the
places, in the manner and under the conditions determined by Officenter.
It is forbidden to keep or bring dogs or other pets.
Site survey
If the office provided should contain other and/or more furniture than that provided as standard under Article II Special Conditions
, the parties are free to draw up a site survey at the start of and in addition to the present
agreement, which shall form an integral part of the
present agreement, at the common expense of both parties.
4.Other parties
The user is explicitly prohibited from renting out the space made available in its entirety or
in part, or to transfer its rights and obligations under this agreement in part or in full, without the written permission of Officenter.
5. Payment
The compensation, increased by the payable VAT, is payable by means of
the above-mentioned direct debit order.
In the event of non-payment or late payment, the user shall owe default interestof 1% per month on the outstanding invoice amounts as of the invoice date following
registered notice of default.
In case of non-payment, a fixed compensation of 10% of the
invoice amount (with a minimum of 75 Euros and a maximum of 2,500 Euros) shall be due by law and without prior
notice of default.
The material costs for each notice of default issued by the user amount to a fixed amount of
25 euro. Officenter shall also be entitled to reimbursement of all costs such as
collection costs and legal costs, costs and fees of the lawyer both for
extrajudicial and judicial collection proceedings. These costs are not included in the
fixed compensation.
If the user fails to pay the fees due
for a period of more than seven (7) calendar days, Officenter
also has the right, following a notice of default, to suspend all services and, if necessary, to charge the user for the costs incurred. from by operation of law to suspend all services
and, if necessary, to terminate the agreement immediately in accordance with Article 11
Protests against additional invoicing for certain services as mentioned in art. II
must be made in writing, substantiated and sent by registered mail within fourteen (14)
calendar days of the invoice date and must include the date and references of the invoice
. If one of these conditions is not met, the protest will be considered as
non-existent and the invoice will be considered as definitively accepted.
6. Deposit
At the end of the contract the deposit will be refunded to the user
within two months of the expiry of the contract, under
possible deduction of damage costs or other payments which the user owes Officenter under
pursuant to this contract. The deposit shall not entail any interest for the
7. Indexation
The contractual fees are indexed on the basis of the evaluation of the
usage costs of the infrastructure and services of the Officenter users. The
calculation is made on the basis of the increase of the individual cost items of
Officenter spaces and services and the investments made and extensions to the
common spaces and services. If necessary, our prices
will be adjusted pro rata annually.
8. Insurances
a. The user insures, in his own name and for his own account:
The civil liability that he incurs towards third parties by virtue of
exercising his professional activities in the property made available to him.
b. Officenter insures the liability of its users when they
are liable for damage to the Officenter building by fire,
explosion, water damage, natural disasters, breakage of glass.
This means that users do nothave to take out a separate rental liability insurance
for the work stations / infrastructure they use in
Officenter also insures for the account of the users an amount of 1,800 euros per workstation in actual
value of the user's personal content.
These goods are insured in a multi-risk coverage: fire, explosion, water damage
and natural disasters. These goods are not insured against theft and vandalism.
If the user's personal content exceedsthe amount of 1,800.00 euro per
workplace, the user must take out his own contentinsurance
for this supplement.
Furthermore, the user explicitly waives any recourse
he might have against Officenter or against other users of the offices
and service centre Officenter in accordance with art. 1386 and 1721§2 of the Civil Code
. This waiver does not apply in case of gross or intentional negligence.
Officenter insures, both in its own name and for its own account as well as in the name and for the account of
the user:
a. For its new value, the complex of which the rented property forms part
and this against fire, explosion, lightning, water damage and broken glass.
b. The goods, the fittings, the equipment and their furniture located in
the room made available that are personal property, for their
replacement value and this against fire, explosion, lightning and water damage.
This policy is intended to provide for a waiver of recourse by Officenter, the other users
or their insurer (in the event of subrogation) on behalf of the user, if necessary to be exercised on
on the grounds of Articles 1302, 1382 to 1386 and 1733 of the Civil Code.
The user and Officenter will have to prove the existence of the aforementioned insurance policies by submitting a copy of the signed policies to
when this agreement enters into force. In addition, the insurances will have to stipulate that
any interruption in or reduction of the cover of the risks will only be countermandable
thirty days after the insurers have notified the party by registered letter
9. Establishment permit
The user must comply with the legal formalities for the exercise of
its activities. Officenter cannot be held liable if the
user is forced to cease all or part of his business activities because of the lack of the necessary permits or facilities
or if further
special measures have to be taken.
10. Liability
When there are circumstances in the building, independent of the will of
Officenter, the user may not claim any compensation on the grounds
of nuisance which may arise from it, except if a contractual
default of Officenter is directly or indirectly the basis of these
Officenter is not liable for the activities and services carried out on behalf of the user by order of or through the mediation of Officenter
. Officenter is only liable
for gross errors, intent or deceit, which it or its employees
would commit in activities and services carried out on behalf of the user.
Officenter is not liable for any visible or invisible defects in the goods made available to
Execution of the necessary maintenance and repair works never entitles the user
to damages or reduction of the agreed remuneration.
If an administrative or legal dispute is brought against
Officenter because of the activity or presence of the user in the room made available
, the user undertakes to voluntarily intervene in every
dispute that is brought against Officenter and to fully indemnify
11. Duration of the agreement and termination
The agreement is concluded for a fixed term as described in
Article III of the special conditions.
If the agreement is concluded for a period of 12 months, the
agreement shall end no sooner than at the end of this period andmay be terminatedwith
effect from the 13th month at any time by the user
, by registered letter and with a
notice period of 3 months.
If the contract is not terminated by contract or by agreement, or if
the user has remained in the office after the agreed term without objection
from Officenter, then the contract will be tacitly renewed for
an unlimited term under the same conditions, on the understanding that, after renewal, the
contract may be terminated at any time by registered letter sent to
with a notice period of 3 months.
The term of notice shall commence on the first day of the month following the date
of dispatch of the registered letter.
Officenter has the right to terminate the contract immediately by registered letter
, in the event of the user's failure to pay
the fee mentioned in Article IV, in the event of non-compliance with other provisions of
this contract or in the event of bankruptcy, liquidation or in the event of
apparent insolvency and in the event of a change in the legal situation of the user.
Upon termination of the agreement the user shall immediately make all necessary
changes concerning the postal address and registered office within
30 days after termination of this agreement. If the change of registered office does not take place
, a cost of 125 euros per month will be charged, without prejudice to
the right to compensation for the actual damage suffered.
At the end of this agreement, for any reason whatsoever, the user shall vacate the space made available to
, with the exception of all the goods which
belong to the furniture of Officenter, in accordance with Article II of the special conditions and a description of the location drawn up by the parties at the start of the
agreement (Article 3 of the general
conditions), and place it back at the disposal of Officenter, properly cleaned and in
the original state.
An outgoing inventory of the furniture and inventory of the premises will be made,
at the latest on the last day of the agreement, after the space has been vacated by the user
: the costs of this will be borne by both parties, each for half
If after the termination of the contract there are still goods of the user
in the room that has been made available, Officenter may remove these by operation of law and
without any warning at the expense and risk of the user, or consider them as obtained
12.Judicial dissolution
When the contract is dissolved at the expense of the user, the latter shall owe Officenter compensation equal to three times the contractual monthly
fee (excluding VAT) and increased by all costs or expenses arising
from the dissolution and without prejudice to the amounts payable pursuant to the contractual
commitments under this contract.
13. Breaches of contract
Any breach of the provisions of this agreement shall be considered as a fact justifying the
termination of the contract at the expense of the party in breach.
14. Access / surveillance
Officenter is accessible via the central entrance door from Monday 08h00 to Thursday 17h30, Friday 08h00 to 17h00. Outside these hours, an electronic access control system is in operation. Each user will receive a personalised key for this purpose for which a deposit will be charged. The common areas in Officenter are equipped with camera surveillance. Officenter is equipped with an alarm system. If the user activates this by improper use of the emergency doors or enters unauthorised alarmed areas, a fee will be charged (extra patrol from security firm).
15. Use of common parts - Fair use policy
Officenter provides users of the office and service centre with a container
for paper and cardboard and a container for residual waste.
Household waste and plastic can be disposed of in the dustbins in the communal
It is expressly forbidden for users to deposit or leave behind rubbish in the communal areas of
It is also forbidden to store furniture or movable
goods belonging to the user in the common parts.
It is forbidden to use sound installations and
suchlike in the rooms made available in such a way that the sound can be heard outside the rooms made available
Only on Saturdays will the users of Officenter be permitted to move their movable property, or after permission has been granted by Officenter.
Users must ensure that they do not cause any damage
to the common parts when they move out, on pain of having to pay compensation for the damage caused by them
at the first request of Officenter.
It is expressly forbidden for users to leave behind in the common parts, other than in the common kitchens, used crockery and cutlery,
In order to allow all users to make use of the facilities and to
prevent us from having to restrict the use of the meeting rooms, the following
rules apply:
- If you reserve a meeting room/flex office and you have not used it after 15 minutes
, we will release it again for other
- We cannot allow 1 company to occupy more than 50% of the
available rooms at the same time. Of course, special study days and
etc. are possible in consultation and any free
spaces can be made available at the last minute.
- Catering is provided exclusively by Officenter.
- The charging zones for the electric cars may not be used as a regular car park
and we ask you to move your car if it is
fully loaded, so that everyone can make use of the charging posts.
16. IT infrastructure
The users of Officenter are required to make use of the network infrastructure and telephony provided by Officenter at
, as well as the appliances. All
additional tele- and datacommunication equipment that may be used by the user
, must first be presented to Officenter for approval, this
in order to safeguard the quality of our IT environment.
17. Maintenance
Officenter takes care of the maintenance of the rooms made available to it
once a week. If the user wishes for extra maintenance in the room made available to him
, this will be charged extra.
Once a month the windows of the building are cleaned on the inside and outside
. It is expressly forbidden for users to hire their own
cleaning staff for office and window maintenance.
18. Services
Users can deliver their correspondence to be franked to
every day until 4 p.m. at the latest.
Officenter guarantees efficient delivery of incoming faxes (fax to mail),
as well as professional discretion with regard to their content. Sent faxes and
made telephone calls will be invoiced on a monthly basis
Officenter provides a professional print-, scan- and copy unit. A monthly bill will be made to
19. Jurisdiction
Belgian law shall apply exclusively and the Belgian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction
over all disputes concerning the validity, interpretation and
execution of this agreement.
Parties prefer to settle all disputes concerning the validity, the interpretation and
the execution of this agreement before the Court.
20. Acceptance
The user expressly acknowledges knowing and accepting, without reservation, all provisions of the present